- China Manufacturers, Suppliers & Products

Costa rica

Date:2016-03-23  Hits:5600

Representative Office in Costa Rica is China Council for the promotion of international trade in Costa Rica's agency, established in 2008, the task is according to the China Council for the promotion of international trade institutions nature and purpose of the service, according to the national laws and regulations and the Central American countries to carry out economic and trade investment overall needle, and actively promote the import and export trade between China and the countries of Central America, two-way investment and technical and economic cooperation.

Specific transactions include:

- receive or assist China economic and trade delegation in america;

- to provide consulting services to Chinese enterprises that are interested in investing in Central America;

- contact and American economic and trade delegations to assist in accessing Chinese;

- consulting services for Central American companies that are interested in investing in China;

- collect and provide the Central American economy and market information to the Chinese economic and trade sector;

- to provide China Economic and trade information to the Central American economic and trade circles;

- an investigation report on the economic, trade, market, and investment environment of central america;

- to maintain close ties with the Central American business association, companies, enterprises, banks and offices and other institutions and organizations, and promote the development of bilateral economic and trade investment activities;

- organize or participate in the meeting and trade and economic investment, exhibitions and other activities, China's economic and trade policy propaganda, publicity and promotion.

China Council for the promotion of international trade representative office in Costa Rica wish for China and the countries of Central America trade circles, business circles in the economic field of trade and investment cooperation do pull wires bypass services work. Address: De La Casa de don Oscar Arias en Rohrmoser, 300 metros sur y 100 metros Este, San Jos, Costa Rica mail: P.O. Box 531-1007, San Jos, Costa ric A Tel: 00506-2296 5935 Fax: 00506-2296 5934 general representative: security, working time: 09:00--17:00 (Costa Rica time), 23:00--07:00 (Beijing time)
