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Linyi highway business quality improvement and growth into the fast lane

Date:2022-03-14  Hits:71
The reporter learned from the video conference on highway work in Linyi that in 2021, 4.28 billion yuan was invested in the construction of Linyi trunk highway, of which the construction preparation of Linyi Linzi and Linyi Tengzhou expressway was completed, the Junan section of g206 was completed and opened to traffic, and four 120 km large and medium-sized maintenance projects such as s229 section from Feixian County boundary of Lanshan to Lanling county were completed ahead of schedule, The new West outer ring road project won the industry's highest award "Lichun Award" from the Ministry of transport, Linyi's "road leader system +" and smart highway construction experience were popularized throughout the province, and Linyi highway development center won the National May Day Labor award and other honors, which marked the overall improvement and growth of the city's highway industry into the fast lane.

      At the meeting, the overall goal of highway transportation in the 14th five year plan was clarified. In the next five years, Linyi will make every effort to connect with the "seven networks" of infrastructure in the province, build an intensive, efficient, intelligent, green and moderately advanced modern infrastructure system, build a "five vertical and five horizontal" expressway network and a "153060" trunk highway rapid transit circle, Be a good pioneer in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.

     This year, Linyi city plans to complete the construction of trunk roads with an investment of 8.5 billion yuan. The construction of two expressways from Linzi to Linyi and from Linyi to Tengzhou was fully started, and the preliminary work of six expressways, including the Linyi section of Dongjiakou Liangshan expressway, was accelerated. G205 Tancheng section and g206 Hedong section strive to complete the main works within this year; G518 Linyi Lingang expressway, g518 Linyi west section widening and reconstruction project, g327 Feixian ring section, and strive to start construction within this year; S229 Yishui section and g327 Pingyi ring section simultaneously speed up the preliminary work and strive for early implementation.

    In 2022, Linyi highway development center will seriously carry out the activity of "learning theory, understanding thought, seeing action and creating first-class", continue to do a good job in the highway "road length system +", further promote the "closed-loop" fine management and build a highway to the satisfaction of the people.