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Linyi's GDP estimated to reach 54.65 bn yuan

Date:2022-02-11  Hits:238

Linyi’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 was estimated to reach a new high of 54.65 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7%,according to a press conference with the theme of "2021 Economic and Social Development" held by Linyi Municipal People's Goverment on Jan 26.

Linyi's GDP reached 546.55 billion yuan, becoming the second old revolutionary base in the country (except Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province), the fifth in the province, and the first city in the southern Shandong economic circle with a GDP exceeding 500 billion.

The economic growth of Linyi in 2021 will reach 66.02 billion yuan, which is equivalent to the total economic volume in 2001.

The city’s new achievement was made amid handling severe and complicated external environments, and COVID resurging.

The year 2021 was a milestone for the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the country, a year of significant reform and opening up, and the city’s innovation-driven development. Linyi’s glamor, vitality, dynamics and innovation were enhanced in 2021 with the construction of the pilot demonstration area for socialism with Chinese characteristics, implementation of comprehensive reform pilot programs and the expansion of the 

According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, Linyi is moving to seek balanced integrated development and will form an urban development pattern called One Cluster and Five Circles, namely the Pearl River Delta world-level city cluster and the Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Pearl River West Bank, Shantou-Chaozhou-Jieyang and Zhanjiang-Maoming metropolis circles. 
