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China-Europe freight trains bring new development opportunities to Duisburg and other cities

Date:2024-04-17  Hits:6

Recently, the opening ceremony of the "Pearl of the Silk Road" Duisburg-Shanghai Film Week was held grandly at the Marianne Gate Theater in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Duisburg is deeply involved in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and has become the node with the most extensive routes, the most flights, and the highest transportation volume and cargo value of China-Europe trains in Western Europe.Unleash the potential of logistics hubs In March 2011, the first China-Europe freight train sailed from Chongqing to Duisburg, opening up the "New Silk Road" across the Eurasian continent and a new pattern of cross-border transportation between Asia and Europe. It also opened up a new pattern for Duisburg This will add new impetus to Fort's transformation into an international logistics city.As one of the most representative projects of the “One Belt, One Road” connectivity initiative, China-Europe freight trains continue to achieve new developments, bringing new growth opportunities to Duisburg and other cities and regions along the route, and opening up opportunities for China, Europe and even the wider region. Contribute to domestic interconnection and people-to-people integration.Bernd Nohhe, director of the Department of Transportation and Logistics at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, said in an interview with reporters that China-Europe trains bring a more balanced transportation method, which greatly saves transit time compared with sea transportation and road transportation. , and the price is lower than air freight.He believes that with the gradual completion of infrastructure, the fast and efficient China-Europe freight trains have brought business opportunities to enterprises, and also brought abundant goods to the local area, promoting better interconnection between China and Europe.According to the latest data from Germany's Duisburg Port Group, the transportation time for China-Europe trains connecting Chinese cities to Duisburg is 12 to 18 days. about 60 China-Europe trains arrive in Duisburg every week. The goods are then shipped to domestic seaports or to neighboring European countries.Lars Neunhaus, chief operating officer of Duisburg Port Group, said that the China-Europe freight train is a successful and competitive "Belt and Road" project that has achieved fruitful results so far.“We are proud that 30% of the railway trade between Europe and China is completed through the Port of Duisburg.” Looking forward to the prospects of China-Europe trains, Nunnhaus said, “I am very optimistic about the future and hope that We can continue to deepen cooperation with China."

"The joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' initiative and the linkage effect brought by China-Europe freight trains can significantly increase business activities and bring new development opportunities to important transit points and cargo distribution centers in Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries." Nohe explain.Kazakhstan is one of the world's major grain exporters.In 2023, Kazakhstan's total grain supply to China reached 2.2 million tons, a record high, which greatly improved Kazakhstan's trade situation.Every year from May to September is the harvest season in North Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan. After deep processing, the mature golden wheat takes the China-Europe Express (Xi'an) to Xi'an, China.The China-Europe freight trains not only bring business opportunities to enterprises, but also improve the lives of local people in Kazakhstan.Nurlan Rahimzhanov, a farmer in North Kazakhstan, said that as a mode of transportation and trade carrier, China-Europe trains have continuously transported high-quality Chinese goods to various countries, while also promoting logistics and warehousing in different countries and cities. The rapid growth of industry development and jobs has become an important support for ensuring the stability of the global supply chain and promoting industrial integration and innovative development.The "New Silk Road" paved in the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative is like a link connecting different regions. Nohe said that he looks forward to all countries and participants working together to promote the in-depth development of the "Belt and Road" construction, "because this It has brought tangible benefits to people in various regions.”
