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Austria to ban election campaigning by Turkish officials: ch

Date:2018-04-21  Hits:126
Election campaigning by Turkish officials in Austria is "not wanted" and will no longer be allowed in future, according to Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

Speaking to state broadcaster ORF on Friday, Kurz made the comments in light of news there could be a potential snap election in Turkey in late June.

In the past, Turkish officials have held large-scale rallies in major European cities to appeal for votes from the large numbers of Turkish nationals there.

Austria's capital Vienna has been one such city, though the visits have been subject to controversy, with particularly those on the right of the political spectrum unhappy about the practice.

Kurz on Friday said if further campaigning in Austria is planned by Turkish officials in the run-up to a new election, the Austrian government will not allow it.

Amendments made to the Public Meeting Act in 2017 could be applicable in denying foreign officials the capacity to campaign in Austria, it was noted.
