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Two policies in order to develop outstanding innovative talents"

A substantial increase in investment in basic research

To improve the ability of independent innovation, building an innovative country, on the one hand to lift the national power to complete major scientific and technological projects; on the other hand, to highlight the original innovation, strengthen basic research.

China's investment in basic research is too low, in 2008 China's research and development (R & D) investment accounted for 1.52% of the country's GDP, and the developed industrial countries R & D spending are more than 2.5% of GDP. The United States, Japan and other industrialized countries investment in basic research to accounting for about 15% of investment in research and development, such as the United States was 19%, South Korea is 15%, Japan is 12%, and China's only 6 per cent of American Nobel Prize winner most, this is one of the reasons.

Colleges and universities around the world is an important force for basic research, Nobel Prize winners are mostly concentrated in Colleges and universities. Proposed establishment of a fund for basic research in the Ministry of education, to further develop the innovation team composed by the university professors and graduate students in basic research in the main force role.

Organizations to carry out basic research can not copy the "planned economy" or "key" mode, not a rigid target deadline to complete. only to create conditions let professors and young scholar at ease study, concentrated thinking, long-term accumulation, in order to achieve a breakthrough and innovation, outstanding innovative talents will come to the fore.

Two to create a relaxed academic atmosphere

Cancel the purely quantitative indicators of the assessment of school or ranking, such as to how many academicians, Changjiang Scholars, how many papers for indicators. Now many university presidents the energy to the pursuit of "digital" and ignored the university personnel training and makes the contribution for the social development of the fundamental task.

Real play is with the research, is to curb the "official standard", abandoning the administrative power is too large, excessive intervention of teaching and scientific research practice. For example, some school principals, Dean and Dean of the research direction for the heavy weight, resulting in a school resource allocation unfair. Professor when the president can temporarily leave his post, wholeheartedly for the school? Won the Nobel Prize Kao professor of the year to do so. And the school academic committee or professor would be useless, cast the votes are not published, walk around the form. These practices are serious contusion of the professors actively. Therefore, we must in the teaching and Research Professor, School important decisions relating to teaching, research, and discipline construction must be asked for advice from the professors.

Premature promotion to Professor relaxed environment for scientific research, not to the quantity assessment is an associate professor. Many professors busy all day, many professors complain: "not in a meeting is in a meeting on the way, there is no time to the peace of mind research. The associate professor should be controlled strictly, and some school doctoral student just graduated two years was promoted to associate professor, some teachers just promoted to associate professor in less than 2 years, and was promoted to professor. The Rockets are improved, resulting in a group of young scholars flighty and impetuous, many people from the research of the line, or not to fight, this is actually harm them. Suggestions of Dr. or postdoctoral subject to 5 to 7 years of strict examination, in order to be promoted to associate professor, promoted to associate professor should be fully trusted, let go of the use, generally every 5 years assessment.

Famous teachers, professors must be on the podium. In foreign countries, the most prestigious professors to the podium. At present, many domestic university professors to research on the ground is not a lecture is not established, not on the podium professor should cancel his professor title.

Doctoral cultivation can not engage in mass production. Some schools have one homeroom teacher guiding dozens of doctoral students, graduate students do not know the name, which is caused by one of the objective reasons of "plagiarism" scandal. Doctoral tutor guidance, number restrictions, such as Tsinghua has been provided, a tutor doctoral students can not be more than 10, enrollment each year not more than two. Doctoral training should be strictly, the tutor to teach by precept and example, to implement an elimination system, not to the year can get a degree.
